The company follows a stringent quality policy with a robust quality management system and is accredited with IS 4985-2000, IS 13592-1992, IS 4984-1995,IS 9537: 1983, IS 12786: 1989, IS 4984-1995, IS 15378 for Hot and cold Water system and IS 14151(part-1) :1999.
We are committed to :
- Growth with customer by Providing full customer satisfaction through product quality, support, timely deliveries & develop, operate safe, healthy & clean environment.
- Comply with IS 4985-2000, IS 13592-1992, IS 4984-1995 and IS 14151(part-1) :1999 requirements, all applicable Quality Management, environment, health & safety legislations, prevention of ill health and injury, interests of all stakeholders, prevention of pollution, and continual improvement in the effectiveness and performance of Integrated Management System by improving process work practices and risk minimization through objective driven targets.
- Integrated quality safety, health & environmental matters in all existing activities and future planning.